Reflecting on the Past and Looking to the Future
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Listen the The Leaders - TMAC, Anne Wilkinson, Vice-President Investor Relations
Listen to The Leaders - Canadian High Arctic Research Centre, Dave Mate, Director, Science & Technology
Agnico Eagle's Caribou Monitoring & Migration Experience - Stephane Robert, Agnico Eagle Mines
Caribou Protection in Nunavut - What Makes Sense - Mike Setterington, EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.
Thoughts From South of 60 - Current Issues in Mine Reclamation Security - Donald James, Department of Natural Resources, Government of Nova Scotia
Ontario Online Mineral Tenure System - Michelle Watkins, Initiatives Coordinator, Government of Ontario
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Agnico Eagle Mines Exploration Update - Denis Vaillancourt, Agnico Eagle Mines
Metamorphogenic Au Mineralization localized to a chemically favourable dioritic host rock - Scott Tokaryk, Northquest Ltd.
Pistol Bay Project, Nunavut - Dave Smith, Nordgold SE
Overview of NPMO - Matthew Spence, CanNor
One Voice to Monitor Northern Canada's Freshwater Aquatic Environment - RIchard Nesbitt, Hutchinson Environmental Sciences Ltd.
New Insights into Ordovician Stratigraphy, Petroleum Potential and Geo-Mapping on Akpatok Island - Shunxin Zhang, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office
Storm Copper and Seal Zinc; Historic finds pointing to future discovery on Somerset Island - Thomas Ullrich, Ashton Bay Holdings Ltd.
Sustainability, Northern Policy & Mining - a Strategic Partnership - Brendan Marshall, The Mining Association of Canada
New QIA Policy and Bylaw Regime: Benefits, Revenue and Legacy - Bruce McRae, Qikiqtani Inuit Association
Business Financing Opportunities with Nunavut Credit Institutions - Peter Ma, Nunavut Business Credit Corporation
The NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mines - Celebrating 50 Years of Mining In the North - Elizabeth Kingston, NWT/NU Chamber of Mines
Growing the Kivalliq Economy - John Main, Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce
Importance of Mining to the Kivalliq Region - Patrick Tagoona, Nunavut Investments Ltd.
Getting It Right - Case Study in Meaningful Consultation - Denise Lockett, Lockett Consultation Services Ltd.
Engagement and Consultation in the Minerals Sector: Building Partnerships Beyond the Legal Framework - Lesley Williams, PDAC
Consultation and the NEB - An Update on the Clyde River Case - Adam Chamberlain BLG
Infrastructure for the Baffinland Expansion Project - Wayne McPhee, Baffinland Iron Mines
25 Years of Nuna: Reflecting on our Past, Looking to the Future - Haslan Escalate, Nuna Group of Companies
A History of the JV Partnership Between KitIA and Horizon North - Warren Murray, Kitikmeot Caterers
The "Convergence" Within the Mining Industry - Angie Perkins, Kivalliq Mine Training Society