Rocks, Roads and Resources
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019
Update on Grays Bay - Scott Northey, Director & Treasurer, Nunavut Resources Corporation
The Naujaat Community Access Trail - A Collaborative Approach to Infrastructure Development between a Hamlet and an Exploration Company - Nick Thomas, Manager of Investor and Community Relations, North Arrow Minerals
Investor and Community Relations, North Arrow Minerals
Update on Kahuna project - Denise Lockett, Dunnedin Ventures Inc
Listen to the Leaders - Employment Successes & Barriers Panel
Barriers and Success to Employment - Marsha Chetty, Director, Organizational Effectiveness - Baffinland Iron Mines
Inclusivity & Diversity Panel
Inclusivity and Diversity - Kaviq Kaluraq, Nunavut Impact Review Board
Inclusivity and Diversity - Laura Churchill, Pauktuutit, Inuit Women of Canada
Inclusivity and Diversity - BJ Barnes, Baffinland Iron Mines
Inclusivity and Diversity - Pamela Ellemers, De Beers Canada Inc.
Regulatory Session
Introducing the Community Engagement Support Program -
Erika Zell, Manager, Environmental Assessment and Regulation - Government of Nunavut
Duty to Consult: A Northern Project Development Perspective - Toby Kruger, Partner - Lawson Lundell LLP
Proposed mineral regime allowing for online map selection of mineral claims in Nunavut - Dominque Quirion, Senior Geologist - Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)
Opportunities and Challenges: A MAC Perspective - Brendan Marshall, Vice President - Mining Association of Canada (MAC)
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019
Exploration & Geoscience
Exploration and Geosciences Session - Update on exploration in Nunavut - Michal Russer, District Geologist, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)
Updates from the Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office - Linda Ham, Chief Geologist, Canada Nunavut Geoscience Office (CNGO)
Back River Exploration Update - Angus Campbell, Vice President, Exploration, Sabina Gold & Silver
Update from Meliadine - Martin Plante, Agnico Eagle Mines
The geology of the Mary River Group at Long Lake, western
Tuktuliarvik region, northern Baffin Island - Erin Bros, MSC Candidate - University of Alberta
Overview of the GEM2 Glacial Synthesis Project in mainland Nunavut - Isabelle McMartin, Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada
Update of Chidliak and De Beers - Erik Marsden, Vice President, Sustainability, De Beers Canada
Update from TMAC - Alex Buchan, Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, TMAC Resources
Baffinland & QIA IIBA
Mary River IIBA Outreach - Presented by Qikiqtani Inuit Association
Mary River IIBA - Brian Penney, President, Baffinland Iron Mines
Regulatory Session - NIRB Regulatory Improvements - Ryan Barry, Executive Director, Nunavut Impact Review Board
Surety Bonding (English) Surety Bonding (Inuktitut) - Spencer Dewar, Director of Resource Management, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)
Getting Agreements Right: A Framework for Successful Implementation - Stefan Reinecke, Technical Lead, Stratos
Environment Session
Supreme Court Redwater Decision: Implications for the North - Charles Birchall, Partner, Certified Specialist in Environmental Law, Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP
Groundwater quality in the permafrost environment – science and practice for meaningful results - Valerie Bertrand, Senior Geochemist, Golder Associates
The Nunavut Regulatory Approval Process: The Back River Example - Matthew Pickard, Vice President, Environment & Sustainability, Sabina Gold & Silver
The Participation of Indigenous Communities in the Mineral Sector - Luka Stevanovic, Analyst, Aboriginal & Regulatory Affairs, Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada
A Novel Approach to Fish Habitat Compensation in Marine Arctic Environments - Victoria Burdett-Coutts, Marine Biologist, Advisian
Thursday, April 4th, 2019
Nunavut Prospectors Program and Prospecting Course - Hugh MacIsaac, Resident Geologist, Government of Nunavut, Economic Development and Transportation
Mineral Exploration Projects in Kivalliq Region - John Tugak, Prospector